Christian Education Children
“Let the children come to me, for to them belongs the Kingdom of God.”
Jesus (Mark 10:14)

First Presbyterian Church strives to offer engaging and quality materials and experienced and gifted teachers to help children grow in their faith. “Our Children’s Ministry is dedicated to providing a safe, uplifting environment for children to learn and grow in God’s Love.”
Sunday School – Children 5 to 10
Sundays, 9:00am – 9:45am; in the Sunday School Room A
This fall semester 1st Presbyterian Church’s Children’s Sunday School will be exploring New Testament stories of Jesus. The first unit is titled Jesus and Friends. The children will be learning about the people who were around him, who helped him, provided for him, and delighted him. In the first story, Jesus calls the first disciples, two pair of fishermen brothers, with the simple invitation to follow him. At the end of the unit, all twelve disciples are named, those who followed Jesus from beginning to end and beyond, spreading the good news themselves as they had been taught. In between are the women, faithful and true, caring for Jesus and his ministry with their time and resources, and the children, those he welcomed without reservation, enfolding them in grace. These friends are us—those who follow, those who minister, those who savor the presence of Jesus.
Stories included in Jesus and Friends are:
• September 8 – Follow Me! (Matthew 4:18–22) • September 15 – Joanna and Susanna Help Jesus (Luke 8:1–3) • September 22 – Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38–42) • September 29 – Jesus Blesses the Children (Mark 10:13–16) • October 6 – Jesus Chooses Twelve Disciples (Matthew 10:1–4, Mark 3:13–19)
Your child will receive a copy of the stories listed above. The church has a limited number of the books available for use during Sunday School. You may purchase the book if you wish at the pc(usa) store website:
Each week your child will have a memory verse for our “Word Up” game during our opening Praise and Prayer time. The verses are:
· Matthew 7:12 – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
· John 15:14a – “You are my Friends”
· Proverbs 18:24b – “… There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
· John 15:12 – “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
· Ephesians 4:32 – “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
NOTE: Parents and Guardians are invited to join the Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall while your child is in Sunday School. Everyone is invited to stay for our Worship Service beginning at 10:00am.

Sunday School – Tweens and Teens
Sundays, 9:00am – 9:45am; in the Sunday School Room B
Pre-confirmation classes – Professing Our Faith. Designed especially for youth, selected confirmation curriculum will share a foundation of faith and spiritual practice in the Reformed tradition. It invites young people to explore the meaning of their baptism and their participation at the Lord’s Supper, as well as to learn about church polity, stewardship, spiritual practices, worship, and mission.
Professing Our Faith has been updated to reference the new hymnal Glory to God as well as recent changes to the PC (USA) Book of Confessions and Book of Order.
The scope and sequence echoes the emphases of the Study Catechism: Confirmation Version and presents the biblical foundations and theology of the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Confirmation class is scheduled to start on February 23, 2025 with Confirmation Sunday occurring on Easter Sunday.
NOTE: Parents and Guardians are invited to join the Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall while your child is in Sunday School. Everyone is invited to stay for our Worship Service beginning at 10:00am.
Children’s Sunday School meets at 9:00 am on Sunday morning in the children’s classroom. If you want more information, please contact the office.
Christian Education Adult
Everyone is encouraged and welcome to be part of this educational experience!

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Wednesday, 10:00am to 11:30am, September 11, 2024, Lounge
This fall we will continue studying the Epistles. The study guide we will be using is Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon for Everyone by N.T.Wright. Weekly studies will be supplemented with videos from Skip Heitzig’s Bible study on these letters. Books will be available.
Esteemed biblical scholar N. T. Wright examines four of Paul’s prison letters: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon – poignant letters revealing the apostle’s unwavering faith and hope despite severe trials. This book compiles four of Paul’s brief prison letters: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. These letters offer a poignant portrait of a man facing severe trials yet unwavering in faith and hope. Paul’s wisdom for these young churches, particularly his guidance to Philemon in a complex moral dilemma, is truly impressive. Within thirty years of Jesus’ death and resurrection, Paul articulates a vivid, multifaceted understanding of Jesus’ accomplishment, God’s global design and its impact on ordinary lives. The biblical text is thoughtfully divided into easily manageable sections, ensuring accessibility for readers of all backgrounds. As you engage with this ancient narrative, you’ll discover its timeless resonance with the spiritual quests of today’s readers, whether they are newcomers or seasoned followers of Jesus. This expanded edition includes Wright’s updated translation of the biblical text, supplemented by a new introduction and a dynamic study guide tailored for both group study sessions and individual contemplation. The inclusion of helpful summaries and thought-provoking questions makes Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon for Everyone an ideal companion for those seeking to explore the New Testament with fresh enthusiasm and profound insights.

Read Through the Bible in One Year
Have you ever read through the entire Bible cover to cover? That is the challenge a group of us have set for ourselves in 2024. There are reading plans available so that you may choose which one works best for you. Then, on Sunday morning at 9 am, we meet in the Fellowship Hall for 30 minutes to talk about what we have read, and to look at what’s next, and provide support to each other. Great discussion, great people – great project! We are almost ready to start the New Testament. It’s not too late to join us! For other questions, contact Pastor Nancy.